It is 2021 (just), we supposedly have the most freedom of choice we have ever had, yet the war on censorship and sex work is still as rife as ever. 
It seems as though we are under attack from every angle, our passion, and indeed livelihoods are at constant threat from the internet lords who are closing our platforms, banning our content and kicking us off social media without a second thought. 

I have long enjoyed the wondrous rabbit holes that Twitter and clip stores lead me down, and have often hoped that my clients and submissives enjoy my profile and store in a similar way; getting lost in the Femdom fantasy of my antics and musings. However just like all other sex workers at present, my usual platforms are at constant threat, jeopardising the years of updates and progress that is documented for all to see within them; which is ultimately the reason I am back here, in my personal blog where my story started many years ago in a long since retired website. 

Make no mistake, I will avidly continue updating all of my other platforms and media until this storm passes, or takes us all down however it makes the most sense to me now to also update and share my thoughts and musings here too, in my own little bit of the internet. 

I have never been great at blogging, those who know me will verify that I would much rather be in my Chambers living my fantasies in real time rather than writing about them at length however it is my new goal to keep this space updated regularly with all of the fierce Femdom news and real time recollections in the hope this too will become a place to enjoy, lean and get lost in all that is me and my glorious lifestyle. 

Miss A x